Monday, January 4, 2010
Happy New Year
Happiest of New Years to you all!!!! Today we went over the graded and returned Native American Diaries - they were generally quite spectacular this year! This is a very creative bunch :) I also returned book projects that had been on display and reminded them all to check their grades on-line --- as we near the end of Washington State History (there will be overlap into 2nd semester though) - they need to make sure they are not in danger of failing since the course is a requirement for graduation and an F would mean retaking the course in high school (and that really isn't ideal) --- tomorrow we will capping our disablitites lit. circle with the movie I am Sam - they are being asked to think about the challenges a developmentally disabled adult would face trying to negotiate the social welfare and legal system -- and also to pay attention to how different people treat the characters in the book. It is a thought provoking film that they should also enjoy. By the end of the week we will be covering ch. 9 in the Wa. St. History book and discussing options for a final project - I will have more on that later. In English, we will be reading To Kill a Mockingbird next - probably starting early next week if not sooner. Have a great week! kw