sorry for the late post - for blocks one, we are continuing with mrs. cartwright and mrs. johnson as they take the class through the "why try" program (a program to educate students regarding making good choices, goal setting, and understanding consequences) --- we are also working through the remainder of the WSH book.
blocks 2 and 3 - we are continuing to work through To Kill a Mockingbird - all students should be through ch. 15 by tomorrow 2/3 - and through ch. 23 by monday 3/8 --- they should have questions answered for each chapter. We are also learning more about race relations in the america and the civil rights movement as part of our study TKM, but these topics also apply to our study of WSH and Civics.
ALL STUDENTS: Should be working on research for Night of the Notables --- each student has a packet with expectations and due dates.