Sunday, March 21, 2010
In a perfect world teachers would not get sick, teacher's kids would not get sick....apparently i do not live in a perfect world:( As of 8pm tonight (Sun.) my daughter's temp hit 101.6 and my own 99.9 --- i wouldn't normally burden you with the germy details of our life, but with night of the notables less that 24 hours away, this is not ideal!!! fear not though, i have Jerry Harms in to sub - he is the best - he has detailed instructions for the day and Michael Riley will be working with the kids as well (his kid is sick too, but he is blessed with nearby inlaws) --- i will be making every effort to attend the evening event and if i am able and if i am able to leave payton briefly, i will try to check in at school as well. if i can not attend, mike riley, rex thornton, and bill holman will be in charge of the evening and i trust all will go just fine - oh, and linda tippett too will be there to take charge of the refreshments! i truly hope i am able to attend and will try my best to be there. if not, i will watch the video with the kids and get the play by play when i return. please accept my apologies. my grades will also be udated as i recover - i apologize for this as well. i have been fighting this bug for quite some time and it finally won :( hope you are all a bit more germ free! happy spring?