Monday, September 17, 2012

Things are starting to settle into a routine (sort of) --- I say this, but then realize I have students out for the Channel 3 field trip tomorrow (P.S. very few of them let me know they would be gone and needed to check out a Civics book so they could work on ch. 2 Civics reading checks.) We also have all 8th graders doing MAPS reading on Wednesday --- so maybe "routine" is a bit optimistic.


In English -

They should be at least 1/2 way finished with their choice book and journal.  This will be due the week before the end of the quarter.

We did a "read-around" for our literature circle.  Final selection of their books will be tomorrow and Thursday. 

In Civics -

We had our first quiz today.  They took notes last week and were asked to study them.  Some did.....some didn't.  Fortunately they will have many opportunitites to improve their overall grade.

Tomorrow, for the students that are not on the Channel 3 field trip, we will be working on Chapter 2 in the Civics book --- answering the "reading check" questions throughout the chapter. 

Hope the air stays clear and my room stays cool --- neither are likely, but it can't hurt to stay optimistic!  :)