Thursday, January 3, 2013

Happy New Year!  Please ask your student to practice reciting their chosen poem for you over the next couple of weeks --- Beatnik Day will be on January 15th (students have a grading criteria) - dressing as a Beatnik is encouraged but not required (we will discuss xtra credit possibilities) --- all students need to spend more time on the website - they may look at poems, view videos, read tips on reciting etc.... --- also - 2nd quarter BOOK JOURNALS are due January 10th --- no extentions!  Students have a handout and have had weekly reminders to complete this task --- please check on the progress of this quarter long assignment.  We will be wrapping up Civics with a brief look at the justice system and how it works for juveniles in particular.  This topic and a bit more on the Constitution will be covered when we read To Kill a Mockingbird 3rd quarter.