Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Happy last week of school before break!  I tried to send out an email reminder for the quiz tomorrow, but I'm not sure everyone received it. 
So.....I'll try here: There is a quiz tomorrow on chapter 23 civics.  The students know what they need to study (hints were given out on Monday)
---- this week though, instead of starting on chapter 16 - we continued with out study of the UN and other peace keeping organizations.  Block one enjoyed hearing about the Peace Corps from a former student of mine, Sarah Slinker.  We read The Gift of the Magi by O. Henry - and spent yesterday and today creating songs/stories/peoms/skits about peace.  It has gone amazingly well and I am looking forward to seeing them performed in class tomorrow and Friday!  It was a true gift yesterday to watch them ALL engaged in the collaborative process and overhear someone say, "This is the best thing I've ever done in school!"  ---- Probably it's not the best, but none the less, they were really enjoying the activity :)  We also have looked a bit more at other aspects of the UN (like UNESCO World Heritage Sites) and the roll of summits and diplomacy.  Browsing through the web sites of peace organizations, it was reinforced that education is critical to democracy and world peace (we looked at the Peace Corps, Unisef, World Vision and others).  I hope they take a week of peace study with them over the holdays --- I know I have felt enriched by unit as well :) 
After the quiz and the presentations - I will be giving the intro to Night of the Notables - please have some conversations with your student regarding thier thoughts on this project. 
FYI - choice book journals are due on January 9th
Enjoy the vacation and I wish for all of you peaceful moments amidst plenty of joy!