Friday, February 25, 2011

Well...the students ended up with me instead of Mr. Harms today - the ELL training I was scheduled to attend was postponed until 3/8 since the presenter was snowed-in up in Freeman --- :( --- Actually worked well, since so many were absent for the Jazz festival on Thursday - I was able to check off research progress for Night of the Notables - nearly all have made excellent progress! Please check with your student to make sure they have at least 3 sources (one preferably a book) with a least 2 different types of sources.

The answers to their questions for the evening event are due on Friday of next week! We will have a computer lab work day on Tuesday which should help everyone finalize their research! I will be giving guidelines for the essay late next week or early the next - look for future due dates on this assignment!

Also in Civics - there is a quiz covering the ch. 4 section one questions and the Bill of Rights on Wednesday - if they know the "gist" of each of the first 10 amendments and the answers to the questions from ch. 4 - they should do quite well! I suggest flash cards :) ---

In English, the students have chosen their literature circle novels - all were able to be placed with their first or second choice --- please ask at home about their progress with these books - they should have some great thoughts and hopefully questions as well! ---

OK - enough thinking for the night :) Warm thoughts to all since it currently says we are at -9!!! BRRRR!!!! Enjoy your weekend! kw