Monday, August 27, 2012

Woo Hoo Week 2!!!

This week we are starting our study of Civics --- the beginning focus is on citizenship.  The students will be using our text books in class (right now I am not checking out individual books for use at home - this may change). 

We are also working on getting down classroom routines such as having journals at our desks every day and remembering due dates in a consistent fashion.  I am trying a new routine for our journals --- each week Mr. Riley and I will select a story from our Literature book that (usually) correlates with other topics we are studying in class.  There will be vocabulary, questions and grammer assigned for each selection.  As students finish the story  - they are to move on to choice reading or other assigned reading/writing.  My goal is to keep students who finish quickly from getting bored while at the same time allowing students who are more methodical to finish without feeling rushed.  I will "tweek" this process as I see fit throughout the year. 

Also --- we will be watching a Teaching Tolerance video on Thursday called, A Place at the Table. Teaching Tolerance is a source approved by OSPI and we will use articles and video resources throughout the year.  A Place at the Table addresses citizenship and family history.  It does have discussions about racism as well as religious and gender bias.  If you have questions regarding the video, please contact me via e-mail. 

Enjoy week 2 :)

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

And so we begin. :)

Hello all --- I am hoping many of you will find these brief posts helpful.  I will post a general summary of what we are doing in class each week as well as give notice on major due dates/ test/ etc....

This 1st week we will be getting to know each other --- learning the rules and expectations of the school and my classroom.  Our first assignments will start up next week.  LOOK FOR: A field trip permission form, a notice of how to access this blog, and notes on daily journal requirement, outside reading logs, portfolios, and quarterly reflection papers. 

Just an FYI - for those of you who have had other students in my classroom, this year will feel a bit different in that I am teaching Civics 1st semester and WSH 2nd semester.  Mr. Riley and I are working to align our curriculums, so the sequence and assignments may vary a bit from years past. 

Happy first week of school to all --- I am truly looking foward to the year ---- Welcome!