Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Hopefully you have arrived her because your student brought home a slip with the blog info. Please sign the slip and have your student return it to me on Thursday 9/29.

This week has been a bit "wonky" --- Magazine Drive....Q6 Field Trip...finishing MAPS Math....make up MAPS...and working on our WA st. maps --- not exactly a regular schedule but we are trying to get a few things done!

English: We turned in our first choice book reviews today --- next week we will start Shakespeare's Secret in class and enjoy a visit from Dr. Michael Delahoyd. He will be talking with us about Shakespeare conspriracy theories :)

WSH: WA state map building is well underway --- all the work is done in class so you won't be seeing any of this at home ---- you should however see your student studying for the upcoming PNW map test on Tues. 10/4 --- this covers WA, OR, and ID and will be worth a whopping 50+ points! They need to study!!!