Friday, November 30, 2012

POETRY! We will be using our text book in class for most of this unit - so, other than occasional writing assignments,  students will not likely be working on this at home - EXCEPT for needing to memorize and practice reciting with  feeling the poem they will be sharing with the class after break :) (this sharing day is called, "Beatnik Day" - students may wear black - turtle necks, berets, goatees etc.... we will sip hot chocolate or cider, play bongos, snap our fingers and say things like, "Cool Daddy-O"  all while listening to students share their chosen poems.  Good times :)

Finally - in Civics we will cover ch. 5 (the Legislative branch) and 7 (the Judicial branch) - short quizzes will likely follow each chapter.  Choice book reading and journaling should continue as needed as well.