Thursday, February 21, 2013

Whew! Busy week!  Just so you know, I am out of the classroom tomorrow  - I will be back Monday and the class is in the capable hands of Grace Grow -- the kids enjoy her and she is an English/Social Studies teacher so it is a good fit!

We had numerous kids out for the Jazz Festival today - so the Wa. St. Maps will be completed tomorrow.

TKM will be wrapped up as well.

All students need to have declared their person for Night of the Notables (see earlier post for details) -- most got their first choice - a couple were disappointed - but reminding them that there are billions of people to choose from seems to get them going again!

Research should continue on their own - their first worksheet is due next Friday.  If a student chooses to read a full biography, it may double as their choice book for the quarter :) 

They have a Wa. St. Map test on Tuesday and an assessment on TKM Wednesday. These were shifted due to Jazz Festival as well. 

Have a fabulous weekend! I'm just hoping the weather in Snoqualmie Pass fails to live up to its predicted severe status!