End of week three! MAPS testing in English is today and the math MAPS will take place 9/16 - students who miss either test will be scheduled for a retake. In class we turned in our Music and Me essays on Wednesday. Today is the last day for 1/2 credit. Some students shared bits of their essay along with their chosen songs via the new icube that Mr. Riley and I purchased for our classrooms with booster grant money last year - adding that technology has been wonderful :)! (we also combined money and purchased a flip-video recorder so we can video presentations etc....also a great addition to our classrooms). We had our first quiz yesterday in Washington State History. Most of the quizes for WSH are pretty straight forward with the questions for the quiz coming directly from the assigned chapter questions - so students who complete their assignments and review their answers should do quite well on these assessments. Next week we will continue with Ch. 2 WSH, introduce the group map project (blocks 2 and 3 will need supplies for this - your student should know what they need by the end of next week) --- We will be finishing our choice books and they will begin a book project in class on Friday. Enjoy the weekend and what might possibly be our last breath of summer :( kw
PS - a few students have yet to turn in their video/field trip permission slips - please check to see if your student falls into that category :)