Sunday, September 19, 2010
Let the week of chaos begin :)In HISTORY: My tidy side says, "Noooo....don't do it!!!" - but my teacher side says, "You must, you must, they love and they learn so much!!!" ---- so here we go....the ever popular group maps of Washington state :) The students received information on the pre-map work (this will be info for a map test following this week), a packet that details the expectations for the map project, and tomorrow (Monday) they will be placed into their groups, decide what materials they need to bring, complete their templates, and begin construction on Wednesday (probably finished by Friday). This is a group project, and a small portion of their grade is based on how well they work on a group, but I try very hard to assess each individual student in terms of their contribution and do not give a blanket group score. In ENGLISH: Blocks 2 and 3 received directions and were shown multiple examples for their first book project. This is to be completed a week from tomorrow and will be done outside of class. I allow for a variety of formats to allow students to capitalize on their strengths....creativity, tidiness, technology, etc.... Finally....THE MAGAZINE DRIVE: Block 2 will be my group this year --- I of course love the energy and competitive nature of this event, but I also feel strongly about helping the students understand that this an opportunity for them to be active, contributing citizens of their school community. I encourage them to think of all the ways they benefit from ASB funding (sports, clubs, dances, spirit assemblies, filters on the water fountains, etc....) and that by selling at least one subscription, they give back to those programs. This should be a fun event, and I hope all will contribute. Ownership of the programs that make Lincoln special is a really important step towards becoming a contributing member of society on a larger scale :) Please support them in their efforts!