Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Happy last week of school before break!  I tried to send out an email reminder for the quiz tomorrow, but I'm not sure everyone received it. 
So.....I'll try here: There is a quiz tomorrow on chapter 23 civics.  The students know what they need to study (hints were given out on Monday)
---- this week though, instead of starting on chapter 16 - we continued with out study of the UN and other peace keeping organizations.  Block one enjoyed hearing about the Peace Corps from a former student of mine, Sarah Slinker.  We read The Gift of the Magi by O. Henry - and spent yesterday and today creating songs/stories/peoms/skits about peace.  It has gone amazingly well and I am looking forward to seeing them performed in class tomorrow and Friday!  It was a true gift yesterday to watch them ALL engaged in the collaborative process and overhear someone say, "This is the best thing I've ever done in school!"  ---- Probably it's not the best, but none the less, they were really enjoying the activity :)  We also have looked a bit more at other aspects of the UN (like UNESCO World Heritage Sites) and the roll of summits and diplomacy.  Browsing through the web sites of peace organizations, it was reinforced that education is critical to democracy and world peace (we looked at the Peace Corps, Unisef, World Vision and others).  I hope they take a week of peace study with them over the holdays --- I know I have felt enriched by unit as well :) 
After the quiz and the presentations - I will be giving the intro to Night of the Notables - please have some conversations with your student regarding thier thoughts on this project. 
FYI - choice book journals are due on January 9th
Enjoy the vacation and I wish for all of you peaceful moments amidst plenty of joy!

Thursday, December 12, 2013

post and pre holiday update

Well hello :) I have had issues with this blog...again :(  Thankfully today, after clicking a few more buttons, we seem to be up and running again!

First - I was out of the classroom with a family emergency (my mother broke her elbow and required surgery just a day before Thanksgiving).  The kids were in the capable hands of Mrs. Grow.  She wrapped up our disabilities literature circle with them.  They read Raymond's Run in our literature book, enjoyed welcoming Mrs. Cartwright (our counselor) into the classroom to share her experience as a mom of a child with autism, and finished Temple Grandin - the movie.

Currently -
In English and Civics - we have been learning about Nelson Mandela and South African apartheid.  These topics provide a review of the Cycle of Power - forms of government - ideal citizenship (preparing for Night of the Notables) - and foreign relations. 

Chapter 23 Civics - all three sections - reading focus ?s and key terms at the beginning of each section are due at the end of class on Friday. 

Quiz on chapter 23 will likely be scheduled for Tuesday of next week. 12/17

There will be classtime today and tomorrow as we work our way through the National Geography Bee (7 rounds). 

Next week - we will start chapter 16 on the justice system - this will continue after break.   

Finally - students will be introduced to Night of the Notables so they may begin the process of exploring possible choices for their notable.  We will begin the formal process of reseach in February, but independent research using such sources and is very useful for narrowing the scope of choices. 

Monday, November 18, 2013

Today we had the wonderful experience of a field trip to PHS for a dramatic presentation on Japanese American internment (imprisonment).  We will cover this piece of history later in the year so it was an excellent pre-teaching experience for the kids.

In English...everyone should be through section 3 of their literature circle book and packet by Wednesday and finished with their book and packet by Friday. There is class time for reading, but most kids need to read at home in order to finish.

In Civics.... Chapter 5 sections 1 and 2 should be finished....section 3 is due Wednesday
And a small quiz will follow on Thursday. Encourage the use of flash cards!

Thank-you notes are also being done this week. For my home room...a sock for the sock drive and a ticket for the sock hop are available in exchange for an extra thank you letter :)

Trotting and hopping on Friday should be good fun!  My entire home room,  in the spirit of supporting our school community,  will all be participating :)

Choice books for 2nd quarter that were checked out from the library are due December 1st. Please encourage students to finish this up over break!

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

The good news of the day: your kids are committed to writing and spent a good hour engaged in revising their amendment argumentative essays.

The bad news of the day: nearly a third of my 90 students did not complete their small homework assignment for English over the 3 day weekend. In truth, many were finished before the weekend, and they had ample time (today was an extended due date). Far too few of them are using any form of a calendar or other organizational system. Please ask them at home to show you  their "system" for keeping track of due dates etc...  I am allowing for partial credit tomorrow. If you see a reduced score on Skyward, lateness is likely the cause. (On a positive note....if you see a partial score, your student at least cared enough to make amends)

PS their assignment was the first section of their literature circle. Journal and job.

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Due dates often change (later, never earlier ) due to assembly schedules or school activities that cause a large number of students to be absent. I adjusted the essay due date to Thursday. We may have lab time for computer processing on Tuesday, if work will be necessary. If that is not workable...please communicate with me :)

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Quick update....written once already and then accidentally deleted. Oh technology, how I love and loathe you!

We turned in Poe note organizers in the shape of a Raven on Tuesday.

Our disabilities themed literature circle is well under way. Students should be reading and working on their packets at home.

We will also be working on an in-class argumentative essay on their most treasured amendment. We are using the Smarter Balanced rubric that aligns with the Common Core Standards (ask to see it) Most of the work will be done in class. Only fine tuning and typing will happen at home. This will be due on Tuesday of next week.

In Civics... Chapter 5 Reading Focus questions and the Key terms are due Wednesday. Chapter 6 will follow.

If your student claims to have no work , they can always continue reading their choice books and complete their 40 entry dialectical journal. :)

Monday, October 28, 2013

Happy Fall! This week will bring a flurry of leaves, dropping temps, conferences, the turn in of our amendment project (today), an amendment quiz (tomorrow) and POE FEST (which is just code for learning about Edgar Allen Poe and the genre of horror and suspense ). Very quick and very assured we keep it 8th grade appropriate :)

We had a good turn in for the amendment project today....a few students assured me it would be in tomorrow. Please check Skyward tomorrow to check on your student's on-time status. 

I look forward to chatting with many of you this week. Stay warm and encourage your student to curl up with their 2nd quarter choice book and journal :)

Friday, October 18, 2013

The end is here! Of first quarter that is :) 

In English:  An essay in our literature book on the Supreme Court case, Brown vs Board of Education, is supplementing our Civics course work. The work is being done in class - unless a student has been absent - then checking out a book will be necessary to complete the work.

In Civics: We are busy! First - we are continuing with our study of the branches of government - this week we are looking more in depth at the Supreme Court - specifically Plessy vs Ferguson and Brown vs Board of Ed - in addition to the 14th Amendment.

The students also received a homework project that is due on 10/28 - details follow below.

Amendments Pamphlet Project:

You will need to:

1. Think about the examples shown in class.

2. Use your text book, notes and handouts as your guide.

3. Create an accurate, tidy and polished looking pamphlet for 10 of the 27 amendments to the US Constitution.

• At least 5 of your chosen amendments need to come from the Bill of Rights (chapter 4 section 1) – the other 5 amendments are your choice – but I would encourage you to choose from the list of suggested amendments named in #6 of this handout.

4. Provide the # of the amendment, give it a title and write a brief summary of each amendment.

5. Provide an image that represents each amendment.

• These images (pictures) may be from a computer, a magazine, a family photo or drawn by hand (no stick figures please!) – Please let me know if you need help with materials.

6. The suggested other amendments are the 13th, 14th, 15th, 17th, 19th, 23rd, 24th, 26th (ch. 4 section 2)


 Each amendment (#, title, summary) is worth 1 point

 _________ 10 points possible

 Each image provided is worth 2 points

 _________ 20 points possible

 Overall tidiness of the project

 __________10 points possible

Grand total points possible – /40

Xtra Credit possible – up to 15 points for up to 5 additional amendments. /15 XC

Following the turn in of these pamphlets there will be a quiz on all the amendments in the Bill of Rights (chapter 4 section 1) and the additional amendments named in #6 of this handout (chapter 4 section 2).

I would suggest flashcards and playing “Do I Have a Right?” at in order to help you prepare for the test 

Monday, October 14, 2013

***** Reminder ***** This Symbol on Skyward means that your student's score has not yet been entered or they have been excused ***** The only time this should concern you is when a quiz or test is showing an * - in which case it will become a zero if they do not schedule a time to take a missed quiz or test prior to the end of the grading period.

On a different note - we finished our first quarter choice book - the kids did an exceptionally good job of journaling and discussing thier books.  We are choosing a new book for second quarter on Wednesday - look for reading and journaling at home :)  The due dates on library books for this choice book will be December 1st.  

In Civics - we have been learning about the branches of government - the Shut Down - the powers of each branch - the checks on each branch - and Judicial Review (Marbury vs. Madison)

Encourage your student to play --- a great site with Civics oriented games developed by Sandra Day O'Connor. 

Finally - we have a quiz on p. 95 Civics tomorrow --- they made color coded flashcards in class today - please ask them a few questions if you get the chance!

NEXT UP - The Bill of Rights (pamphlet project) and our disabilities literature circles. 

Friday, September 27, 2013

Another productive week behind us :)  The reminders for students were as follows:
Monday - Animal Farm needs to be completed so we can have our final book discussions and fill in the information on metaphors in the packets

Tuesday - The Animal Farm packet is due - this is an emphasis on page # support!!!

Wednesday - Final quiz on the Cycle of Power 

We will watch Animal Farm the video on Tuesday and Wednesday 

Choice book journals (worth 40 points) are due on October 11th - one week before the end of the quarter.  

We had a blast with a "on-desk" Cycle of Power review --- the kids love the "slightly bad" nature of the activity --- I love that it is oriented...and very effective ---- plus, I get my desks very clean!

We are continuing with our study of the foundations of government in America.  The Declaration of Independence, the Article of Confederation and finally, The Constitution.  

Up next....more work on the Constitution and the Bill of Rights (project coming soon :))

I am out of the classroom next Thursday and Monday.  I'm travelling to Saskatchewan via Amtrak where I am looking forward to lectures on Lewis and Clark via a National Parks guide who is a member of the Mandan tribe.  I hope to bring back new info for the students when we begin our study of Washington State History :) 

Enjoy your weekend!  Happy MAGAZINE selling!!!! Mrs. Walker

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Testing Reminder - MAPS testing will take place during the block on Wednesday (reading) and Friday (math) ---- Please help your student remember to get ample rest and quality nutrition! Thanks!
Hello all! Happy first not-roasting-in-the-classroom day!  :)

This week - 
In English:  We started Animal Farm by George Orwell.  The students will be required to keep a log recording examples of how dictators control/abuse their power per their Cycle of Power handout  (they will receive this on Wednesday or Thursday)

**** also - please inquire occasionally about their choice book dialectical journals - these are due one week before the end of each quarter.  This quarter, that means October 11th.  

In Civics: We took a quiz on Chapter 2 sections 1 and 2.  Those scores should be entered today or tomorrow.  The Cycle of Power for dictatorship vs democracy will be introduced this week - a quiz will follow our reading of Animal Farm.  Look for a project on the Bill of Rights sometime next week.  

In addition - we continue to look at citizenship. This week, I shared Steve Gleason's story with them.  A documentary on his life, his battle with ALS and his tireless work with his Team Gleason/No White Flags foundation airs tonight on the NFL network.  It should be very inspirational and begin to help the students start thinking about options for Night of the Notables.  

Our key quote over the past week has been:

"A hero is a man who does what he can."  Romain Rolland

Monday, September 9, 2013

3rd week - still hot - but still learning (I hope!)

Happy September to you all!  I have had some tech. difficulty with Skyward - hence the delay with grades being posted in a timely fashion - I apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused!  I'm hoping to get the glitches resolved within the week. (FYI - they are issues I am not "authorized" to resolve on my own)

In the meantime - In English we have Choice books with dialectical journals well underway --- these are due the week prior to the end of the semester on 10/18. Ask to see your student's sheet regarding this assignment.

We also are reviewing some basic concepts for English via short stories in our literature book - inference and theme are the concepts for the this week. Langston Hughes, Maya Angelou, MLK Jr, and Colin Powel have provided our essays thus far.   This week - we are delving into forms of government.  Your student should have their Civics book at home and be able to share with you the ideas we are discussing in class (such as Syria).  We are also spending time with current events via the Spokesman Review.

We had a short quiz on Ch. 1 sec 2 last week --- nearly all students did quite well!  We have another quiz scheduled for Monday 9/16 --- this will cover the questions and terms they have completed for Chapter 2.

Next week, we will start our first novel, Animal Farm, and will focus on "The Cycle of Power" --- this should be very high interest for many of the students and provide a good tool for evaluating other countries and their governments.

Please contact me if you have any questions --- and FYI - if your student is absent, I would love for them to touch base via email so they can stay in the loop in regards to class.

Thanks for sharing great kids with me each and every day! I'm looking forward to meeting so many of you at Open House on Thursday evening :)

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

The students and I are all keeping quite busy as the end of the school year draws near.  We have the MSPs behind us (unless your student needs to complete make up tests). Today and Friday are occupied by MAPS testing - and I believe the Algebra and Geometry EOCs are next weeks.  Needless to say, classroom instruction is a bit interupted/disrupted so students need to be vigilant about keeping track of what they have missed in class and when assignments are due.  This is a necessary skill for success in high school and beyond! 

FYI - 
Today we turned in a book project and packet for Shakespeare's Secret or Terrible Tragedy of a Girl Named Hamlet. This was read almost entirely in class - and the packet completed in class - so assembly of the project was the only expected homework. 

We have a rough draft of our final writing assignment  (This I Believe) due on Friday. The final, typed if at all possible, paper is due Monday. They have also had class time to work on this paper as well. For info or ideas on this paper - go to - search...This I Believe

Ch. 6 WSH is due Friday - they have class time today and tomorrow (block 3 had time last week as well) - we will likely have a quiz on Ch. 6 and 7 on Thursday of next week.  Ch. 8 and 9 will bring the year to a close. 

We start Shakespeare's Midsummer Night's Dream this week and will continue with it as we finish up the year - this is entirely done in school - so it should be more relaxing and fun for all!

While I have absences over the next few weeks for the final meets of the PHS track season - the students will be in the capable hands of Grace Grow and Jerry Harms.  Both of them are Eng./Social Studies folks and truly enjoy the students.  I do not expect to even miss a beat with them in the classroom!  Please remind your student to be respectful of subs in the school - it's a bit easier this time of the year to get off-task. 

Hope you are basking in our summer-like weather --- encourage your student to bring H2O - it's quite sweltering in my room - especially by the end of the day!

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Happy Spring!  It's been awhile since my last post - largely due to Spring Break and little or no homework.  We are currently reading in-class novels (only a few available for check-out) and working through WSH (only in-class texts).  During this busy time of testing, I try to keep homework to a minimum.  Getting good nutrition and adequate sleep are top priority.  The 4th quarter choice book is the exception to this general rule.  The final journal for this book is due May 20th (a week before the usual, "2 weeks before the end of the term" so we have time to complete a choice book project. 

FYI for home conversations:


WSH....pioneers and the impact of new settlers on the Frontier. 

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Whew! Busy week!  Just so you know, I am out of the classroom tomorrow  - I will be back Monday and the class is in the capable hands of Grace Grow -- the kids enjoy her and she is an English/Social Studies teacher so it is a good fit!

We had numerous kids out for the Jazz Festival today - so the Wa. St. Maps will be completed tomorrow.

TKM will be wrapped up as well.

All students need to have declared their person for Night of the Notables (see earlier post for details) -- most got their first choice - a couple were disappointed - but reminding them that there are billions of people to choose from seems to get them going again!

Research should continue on their own - their first worksheet is due next Friday.  If a student chooses to read a full biography, it may double as their choice book for the quarter :) 

They have a Wa. St. Map test on Tuesday and an assessment on TKM Wednesday. These were shifted due to Jazz Festival as well. 

Have a fabulous weekend! I'm just hoping the weather in Snoqualmie Pass fails to live up to its predicted severe status!

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Just in case you're wondering - these are the requirements for Night of the Notables (N of N) --- This project is also used as our Social Studies Classroom Based Assessment (CBA).  For 2 weeks the students have been encouraged to begin independent research - we continued this as a group today.  Chosing the "just right" notable is really key for student success and enjoyment - please help your student if they seem to be floundering in any way.  I too have numerous ideas and resources and I am more than happy to help!  Much of the research and work will happen outside of class, but their will be plenty of in class guidance along the way.  As always, I am excited to see the array of notable choices - always an adventure and a learning experience for all (including myself!)

Night of the Notables Expectations and Due Dates
This is our 13 year of Night of the Notables.  All 8th graders are required to participate in this special evening event.  Family and friends are invited to attend and enjoy an evening of conversations with a room full of notables!  Once a student has selected and received approval for their  notable, they are required to complete the assignments detailed below.  Choosing a notable that is interesting to the student as well as suitable is our first priority.  I am looking for a person who has made the world a better place.  We want to choose people who exemplify excellence in their chosen field, who broke barriers and created new pathways for others to follow.  Some currently living people are suitable, but we’re

1.      Research your notable -  this must be approved by me J 
2.      Select your notable (you need 3 possible choices)
3.      Create a costume for the evening event that really transforms you into your notable!  This does not need to be expensive – just creative!  Think Goodwill, Valu-Village/thrift stores, your basement, sewing, construction paper….ask around!!!
4.      Create a PowerPoint or Prezi with timeline/bio.  info. This will likely be created during class time. 
5.      Complete the “fill in the blank” notable worksheet.
6.      Complete your 5 paragraph essay based on the “fill in the blank” notable worksheet.
7.      Answer the questions on the sheet for the evening event.
8.      Prepare a 2 - 3 minute presentation using your notable “fill in the blank” handout as your guide – supplemented by your Prezi --- this may be done as a video if you would prefer  - check with me firstJ
9.      Create a face and quote – I’ll show examples of this in class
Tentative Due Dates:
*Evidence of research notes due in class 2/19 ________
*Notable “fill in the blank” handout – due 2/29______
*Questions for the evening event – due 3/8 ________
*Papers – due 3/15__________
*Timelines and presentations – due 3/20 – 3/26__________
*Xtra credit – due on the day of your presentation - TBD
*Face and quotes due on Wed 3/26 during class
*Costumes need to be ready by the evening event on:  
March 28th Report by 5:45 – the event starts at 6:00!!!!!!!!

Friday, February 15, 2013

Happy Friday!  Today the students who were not attending the Channel 3 field trip had the opportunity to get a head start on their weekend homework.  Everyone is expected to be through chapter 26 by Tuesday.  These chapters are quite short, so it really isn't as much as it seems.  We will be finishing up the novel next week and culminate with an in-class writing assignment and the movie.

For Washington State History -- Maps are underway - we will resume work on this project on Wednesday (should complete them on Thursday) - there is a large test covering the map on Friday.

Night of the Notables --- Students have been asked to begin independent research.  They should have the start of a list of possible notables.  They will receive their packet on Tuesday with more details, including information on the districts BIG 6 research method.  We are going to the library/computer lab for more research on Tuesday.  Notable choices will be declared on Monday 2/25 (possibly sooner if I feel students are ready). 

Hope you enjoy a fabulous President's Day weekend ---- Mrs. Walker

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Quick notes for the week and beyond:
(I apologize in advance for spell check and I'm in a hurry! - 7th grade bball game to go to :))

English - should be through ch. 21 in TKM including the packet questions.  Through ch. 22 by tomorrow.  and through ch. 30 by Tues. of next week. 

WSH - their map templates for their WSt. map should be completed in class on Wed.  --- construction of their group map begins on Thursday.  ALL MAP WORK WILL BE IN CLASS!!!!  supplies from home are needed, but if providing supplies is a hardship - students are asked to see me or choose materials that are not pricey (many free suggestions have been made!)

Choice books should be continuing throughout the quarter.

Night of the Notebables --- please encourage your student to consider whether or not a possible notable has LEFT THE WORLD A BETTER PLACE!!! More info on this soon :)

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

So sorry for the long delay since my last post. As you may have heard from your student, I had the flu (despite having gotten the shot)....bummer.  As a result, Beatnik Day was moved to today --- it was a lot of fun! So great to see the kids really own their poems and so many all dressed up for the occasion.  We will finish up tomorrow.  If your student went in class today, their grades are up to date.  Block 2 still needs to have their ch. 5 quiz scored (another casualty of my absence)  This will happen tomorrow. A few kids will present tomorrow --- and then, we are done with 1st semester. Up next is To Kill a Mockingbird, Washington State History and MAPS testing 1/30 reading and 2/7 math. 

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Happy New Year!  Please ask your student to practice reciting their chosen poem for you over the next couple of weeks --- Beatnik Day will be on January 15th (students have a grading criteria) - dressing as a Beatnik is encouraged but not required (we will discuss xtra credit possibilities) --- all students need to spend more time on the website - they may look at poems, view videos, read tips on reciting etc.... --- also - 2nd quarter BOOK JOURNALS are due January 10th --- no extentions!  Students have a handout and have had weekly reminders to complete this task --- please check on the progress of this quarter long assignment.  We will be wrapping up Civics with a brief look at the justice system and how it works for juveniles in particular.  This topic and a bit more on the Constitution will be covered when we read To Kill a Mockingbird 3rd quarter.