Tuesday, January 18, 2011

As some of you may have heard, I was out of the classroom for most of last week. My youngest daughter tore her meniscus in her knee and we spent a lot of time in the ER, at the dr's office, and getting used to a brace and crutches. Hopefully this week will be less eventful although we are still awaiting word on surgery. Your students were fortunately at a spot in the curriculum that didn't need me a whole lot (although I'd like to believe I'm needed). We finished up TKM with Mr. Thornton and Mr. Gwynn on Wednesday - they took the final test with them as well and then spent Thursday and Friday watching the video and attending the Martin Luther King assembly with Mr. McCain. Today and Thursday they are all in the computer lab for MAPS testing. (reading today and math thursday) - For the rest of the week, we will be finishing up Frontier House video series - selecting a topic for a small research project for Washington State History -- and beginning to peruse ideas for Night of the Notables in the library as they finish their MAPS. Thank you for your patience with grades - I should have them completely updated on Thursday.