Wednesday, January 5, 2011

I started the week by announcing that it was now 2011....the year they all start high school! :) And that being said....they need to maintain their momentum (or build it if that is the case) so they feel they are prepared come Fall. I'm not sure, based on the number of tired faces I saw, that they are quite as enthusiastic as I am about this journey, but I trust most of them will come along for the ride anyways :)! Your student should have finished through ch. 24 in To Kill a Mockingbird over the break and as of tomorrow be through ch. 26. We have been taking some time to read in class and today we started a "TKM plot-tree" project. The book will be finished by Monday, and we will take the final test and begin the movie on Tuesday. All should do well as long as they have actually done the reading and answered the questions. In Washington State History, we are continuing to work throught he Frontier House video series while we discuss how fast change occured in the West after the turn of the century. We will be covering ch. 8 and 9 in the WSH book over the next couple of weeks, doing individual reports on a current event/person/issue and then doubling back to cover Japanese American Internment as part of Civics. You will see some overlap in the WSH and Civics curriculum since we spent a fair amount of time on the elections earlier in the semester. Oh, and just thought you'd find it entertaining to know what a student told me yesterday, after he got in trouble for running in the hall - he said, "Mrs.'re like a blend in, we don't see you, and then we do stupid stuff right in front of you!".