Friday, October 12, 2012

Whew! The last day of the quarter is next Friday 10/19!  This has been a busy week with plenty of class time to read their literature circle books and complete their packets (these are due today).  We also completed the preliminary work for a project on the Bill of Rights (there will be extra credit associated with this project and it will be due next Friday).  Finally, their 1st quarter choice book and the associated 40 point journal is due today (no surprise that so many had procrastinated on this and were probably frantically working on it last night - hopefully next quarter will go more smoothly).  Additionally, I will also be introducing an extra credit opportunity for 2nd quarter on Monday.  It will be related to the final two presidential debates and based on material you can find on There will likely be a required assignment for everyone in addition to an extra credit extension.  Look for a packet and info regarding this activity Monday.  Enjoy what looks to be our last day of "Summer!"  kw